Thursday, December 7, 2017
Reading, Meet and Greet, and Book Signing
This should be a get together in pleasant surroundings, where you will have the opportunity to ask those questions you always wanted to ask a novelist. I will bring my award-winning books with me, and---a draft of my current work-in-progress, Witches' Gambit, to read from, if people request it.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Old Time SF Rock and Roll--A Choice of Gods
A Choice of
Gods is classic Simak. Who?
Right. Clifford Simak is one of the champions of early science fiction. He is
credited with creating the “pastoral science fiction” genre, sci-fi set in the
countryside. Heinlein once said, “to read science fiction is to read Simak.
Anyone who doesn’t like Simak doesn’t like science fiction.”
It would be hard
to find many who agree with that sentiment today. Though his book, Way
Station, won the Hugo, and four other books, including A Choice of Gods,
were nominated for the Hugo, most of Simak’s books are out of print. He is
largely ignored. And he is one of the neglected masters of the form.
You will not
find space battles, swords, sorcery, blasters, urban dystopias, or zombies in A Choice of Gods. What you will find is a tale set on planet
earth, in the far future, with bucolic descriptions of rural life. A tale of
country folk who encounter extraordinary events. A beautifully written,
well-conceived story that moves right along without seeming hurried. It’s
old-school writing. And pastoral. He takes time to smell the flowers. And it
may annoy some modern readers.
But to put some
perspective on it, it was published in 1972. And he talks about travelling to
other planets in the galaxy by the parapsychic power of the mind alone. He
brings mysticism and fantasy into his science fiction picture. And AI. And
sentient robots. And musical trees. And truly alien aliens. He sprinkles
non-chronological journal entries into the narrative—something we modernists
take for granted today. On the downside, his anti-technological stance is a bit
heavy-handed, even illogical—there’s a small army of robots to do the manual
labor in this rural paradise. And a lot of the significant action occurs
off-stage, and is reported later in conversations. Finally, his pleasant pastoral
style may be a bit too bucolic for some of today’s hyper-wired readers.
But to my mind,
it’s well worth haunting second-hand bookstores to find copies of Simak’s work.
Monday, October 16, 2017
If thought-provoking, neo-retro SF is your cup of astro-tea
The sentient moon Alvar discovers that the
danger of creating a savior is he will be his own person. He will do what he
will. And whether his acts are judged good or bad will only be known in the
unrolling of time. A New Novel by Award
Winning Author, Charles Freedom Long. NOW 99 CENTS for a limited time. If
thought-provoking, neo-retro science fiction is your cup of astro-tea, get
yours at:
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
What It Means To Be An Empath
Being an empath
is when you are affected by other people's energies, and have an innate ability
to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced
by others' desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Being an empath is quite a bit
more than being a highly sensitive person (HSP) and it's not limited to
emotions. There are Physical Empaths, Emotional Empaths and Intuitive Empaths.
And then numerous sub-categories of each. For example, at least seven different
types of Intuitive Empaths have been identified. (Mediums are empaths).
There has been
a lot written about the challenges that introverts and highly sensitive people
(HSP) face in a society that values intellect and disdains sensitivity.
however, take the experience of HSP (highly sensitive person) further. They can
sense subtle energy, and they absorb this energy into their own minds and bodies.
For days before
a disturbing event—like the recent one in Las Vegas—some empaths will feel sensory
overload, out of sorts, drained, even disturbed to the point where they simply
cannot live their “normal” life. They will find coping mechanisms, good or bad
as it turns out. And when the event occurs, and the national mood is disturbed,
will finally understand what has been happening to them. Empaths need to have
good boundaries and the ability to say no, to distance from toxic relationships,
to recognize and circumvent the different destructive ways they try to cope with
the overload. My positive strategies are to avoid the (negative) news media, turn
my phone off, actively release negative thoughts and feelings, take walks, get
some time in nature, and above all else a
need to be alone. My negative coping mechanisms are alcohol and overeating,
and maybe saying something that disturbs other people’s sense of reality.
Being an empath
and “not fitting in” to what is considered “normal” society, is both a blessing
and a curse. But, “If you feel as if you don’t fit in this world, then you’re
here to create a better one.”
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017
Monday, August 7, 2017
We had a visit
from a FIDO Master, whom some of you will recognize from this photo, taken just
as he announced "mate in three," playing black in a recent game where
he employed the little known Russian Wolfhound Gambit to great success.
Gracious in
victory or defeat, except for the occasionally over-exuberant moment when he is
apt to seize upon his opponent's King and give it a good shaking, the FIDO
Master's appearance at the board is a welcome sign to all. Renowned for their aggressive and vociferous
approach to the game of chess, FIDO Masters are virtuosos at intimidating
opponents. Occasionally going so far as demonstrating their disdain for an
opponent’s blunder by lifting their leg on the errant piece.
The FIDO Master will not be attending any upcoming club meetings in the near future..
He’s been barred from local establishments after an unfortunate series of
events best left unmentioned involving a rare steak, a lady's hat and a small
child's ice cream sundae. For the time being, the FIDO Master must relegate his
over-the-board play to non-food-related establishments, but he said he is
looking forward to some chess sessions over cigars in the cabana.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
In a very favorable review, Blueink Reviews said Alvar's Spear was "neo-retro science fiction," compared my book to Ursula Le Guin's Hugo-Award-winning The Word For World Is Forest, and added, "readers who are looking for neo-retro science fiction—especially those who enjoyed Ursula Le Guin’s early works—will find this novel both entertaining and enlightening."
I have to say, I like the classification. And I'm flattered by the complimentary comparison to Ursula Le Guin's novel. (Who wouldn't be?)
Here are some of the other nice things they said:
"Alvar's Spear is archetypal science fiction: wildly imaginative, thought-provoking, and thematically profound."
"The story is undoubtedly a powerful read. Ideas explored include prejudice, acceptance and unity, but ultimately, the questions asked are deeply spiritual in nature."
"This is a solid science fiction offering. The philosophical undertone (quotes from Nietzsche, Cicero, Sun Tzu, Sitting Bull, Malcolm X, Sartre, etc. serve as chapter headers) adds a deeply contemplative layer to the narrative tapestry."
I have to say, I like the classification. And I'm flattered by the complimentary comparison to Ursula Le Guin's novel. (Who wouldn't be?)
Here are some of the other nice things they said:
"Alvar's Spear is archetypal science fiction: wildly imaginative, thought-provoking, and thematically profound."
"The story is undoubtedly a powerful read. Ideas explored include prejudice, acceptance and unity, but ultimately, the questions asked are deeply spiritual in nature."
"This is a solid science fiction offering. The philosophical undertone (quotes from Nietzsche, Cicero, Sun Tzu, Sitting Bull, Malcolm X, Sartre, etc. serve as chapter headers) adds a deeply contemplative layer to the narrative tapestry."
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

ALVAR'S SPEAR, by Charles Freedom Long, a sci-fi fantasy, is Star Wars quality action. Alvar's Spear takes us into the future, where sentient races are at odds, where the ultimate fate awaits entire worlds unless one person, Gar, a hybrid, can find a way to save his world before it is too late. Wonderfully written, elaborately detailed, filled with engaging dialogue, heated passion, and action.
Synopsis: Gar, a hybrid of more than one race, is given a mission to
save his home world from being eviscerated. Sentient factions from different
worlds are verging on conflict, and in the center of it all is Gar, who must
find a way to restore stability and peace. Gar is up against a ruthless and
power-hungry man, Noksun, a senior official who sees him as his only real
obstruction to his plans to become the ultimate ruler. Gar calls for the help
of the greatest geneticist in the known Universe, Mbali, a beautiful Terran who
can help him, but who seems to oppose him at every turn, not trusting his
words, until… The dynamics of power, the power-plays, the introduction of
mutants and genetically modified sentients, all of it becomes a space-operatic
war on a scale and with passion and violence that keeps one reading to find out
how, with only a small faction of men and women behind him and the Snow Wolves,
Gar can possibly go up against the organized military might that Noksun has
prepared to launch in order to take control of the planet.
This story has lots of well-written dialogue between the players,
scripted with a unique language of its own, with a touch of romance, conflicted
jealousies, back-stabbing and of course, lots of action. You get it all!
There is also a
message, the timeless message of unity, equality and humanity built into this
story – where the good are fighting against the evil who want to keep the camps
divided, keep hatred and division alive – a theme which is all too-real in our contemporary times.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
IT'S HERE -- A NEW NOVEL IN THE SEVEN WORLDS SERIES From Award Winning Author, Charles Freedom Long
Thirty years after dancing
with the dead, half-Terran, half-Antal, Gar has just one desperate last chance
to save the Antal hive from immolation at the hands of its own mother, the
sentient moon-world, Alvar. He must do this before a mutant conspiracy turns Alvar into a fetid swamp, and enslaves the Antal. Alvar has sworn to hurl herself into the gas
giant she orbits before she allows that to happen.
To become the planetary
savior, Alvar’s Spear, Gar must confront enemies, assassins, a traitor, and a
beautiful, brilliant, Terran geneticist. He must travel into the mysterious Forbidden Mountains of the vild, from which no
one has returned. If successful, he will save Alvar.
But the danger of
creating a savior is that he will be his own person. He will do what he will,
and whether his acts are judged good or bad will only be known in the unrolling
of time. Time is not on gar’s side. But time does unroll. What it reveals may
not be to everyone’s liking.
Available at Amazon
Available at Amazon
Monday, February 27, 2017
Don't Be Paranoid, But Do Be Attentive
through technology is so pervasive, the collection and use of our data is so
much more sophisticated. It’s totally covert. And people don’t realize what is
going on.
It’s all about
the emotions. They call it bio-psycho-social profiling. It takes your physical,
mental and lifestyle attributes (mining much information freely given on sites
like Facebook) and, using algorithms, works out how people work, how they react
emotionally, and then targets them--usually with bots--with words they will react emotionally to,
and a message the manipulator wants them to accept.
Many of the
techniques were refined in Russia, and then exported everywhere else. These
incredible propaganda tools were developed in an authoritarian regime, and have
now moved into free market economies with an absolute absence of regulatory
stoppers--vacuums. And nature deplores a vacuum, so you get a firestorm.
The Oxford
Internet Institute says one third
of all traffic on Twitter before the EU referendum was automated “bots” –
accounts that are programmed to look like people, to act like people, and to
change the conversation, to make topics trend. And they were all for Leave.
Before the US
election, they were five-to-one in favor of Trump – many of them Russian. Yes, Russian
bots. Last week they were identified in action in the Stoke by-election in
England –
We’re not quite
in the alternative reality where the actual news has become “Fake news!!!” But
we’re almost there.
Out on Twitter,
the new transnational battleground for the future, someone has tweeted a quote
by Marshall McLuhan, the great information theorist. “World War III will be a
guerrilla information war. With no divisions between military and civilian
Monday, February 20, 2017
A Modest Holiday Proposal
Wednesday, February 22nd, is George Washington's birthday. As you may recall, he did a few good things for our country: won our War For Independence, served as our first president, and set the precedent of term limits on that position. And if you haven't forgotten already, February 12th is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. He also did a few good things, such as preserving the Union, writing the Emancipation Proclamation, and producing the most memorable piece of presidential oratory--no, it was not a tweet--The Gettysburg Address.
Some of us remember when we actually celebrated these real persons' birthdays on their real dates. In our American History classes, we learned about each of them. Really. We wanted to remember what they had done for our country, (really), and had not yet turned their two birthdays into a blended shopping event, complete with TV announcers in phony colonial garb.
Do these sound like the complaints of a retro-grouch? Well, to show that I'm hip to the times, here is a modest proposal that even Congress would love: Abolish all current public holidays and create twelve or thirteen- or even more- "Famous Person Days," which we can celebrate on Mondays with super sales! Think of the money that businesses would save: they could recycle their banners, their ads, and their commercials--they would all be "Famous Person Day" sales. We could add, oh, famous baseball players, vice-presidents no one has ever heard of, NASCAR drivers, and people (or corporate "persons") who contribute obscene amounts of money to members of Congress. Just think--members of Congress could add anyone they want--just like pouring more water in the soup. No more squabbling over who deserves his or her own "day". And since there would be more Monday holidays, people would be happier, since they'd have fewer Monday mornings to gripe about!
Or, we could try to remember where we came from, who we are, and how we got here, because we surely didn't get here by doing what we're doing now.
Oh. . . . And Happy birthday, George and Abraham. And thanks.
Some of us remember when we actually celebrated these real persons' birthdays on their real dates. In our American History classes, we learned about each of them. Really. We wanted to remember what they had done for our country, (really), and had not yet turned their two birthdays into a blended shopping event, complete with TV announcers in phony colonial garb.
Do these sound like the complaints of a retro-grouch? Well, to show that I'm hip to the times, here is a modest proposal that even Congress would love: Abolish all current public holidays and create twelve or thirteen- or even more- "Famous Person Days," which we can celebrate on Mondays with super sales! Think of the money that businesses would save: they could recycle their banners, their ads, and their commercials--they would all be "Famous Person Day" sales. We could add, oh, famous baseball players, vice-presidents no one has ever heard of, NASCAR drivers, and people (or corporate "persons") who contribute obscene amounts of money to members of Congress. Just think--members of Congress could add anyone they want--just like pouring more water in the soup. No more squabbling over who deserves his or her own "day". And since there would be more Monday holidays, people would be happier, since they'd have fewer Monday mornings to gripe about!
Or, we could try to remember where we came from, who we are, and how we got here, because we surely didn't get here by doing what we're doing now.
Oh. . . . And Happy birthday, George and Abraham. And thanks.
Friday, February 3, 2017
More Appropriate Now Than Ever
Populist manifesto
(For Poets,
with Love)
Poets, come out of your
Open your windows, open
your doors,
You have been holed-up for
too long
in your closed worlds.
Come down, come down
from your Russian Hills
and Telegraph Hills,
your Beacon Hills and your
Chapel Hills,
your Mount Analogues and
down from your foothills
and mountains,
out of your teepees and
The trees are still
and we’ll to the woods no
No time for sitting in
As man burns down his own
to roast his pig.
No more chanting Hare
while Rome burns.
San Francisco’s burning,
Mayakovsky’s Moscow’s
the fossil-fuels of life.
Night & the Horse
eating lights, heat &
and the clouds have
No time now for the artist
to hide
above, beyond, behind the
indifferent, paring his
refining himself out of existence.
No time now for our
literary games,
no time now for our paranoias
and hypochondrias,
no time now for fear and loathing,
time now only for light
and love.
We have seen the best
minds of our generation
destroyed by boredom at
poetry readings.
Poetry isn’t a secret society,
it isn’t a temple either.
Secret words & chants
won’t do it any longer.
The hour of oming is over,
the time of keening come,
a time for keening &
over the coming end
of industrial civilization
which is bad for earth
& Man.
Time now to face outward
in the full lotus position
with eyes wide open,
Time now to open your
with a new open speech,
time now to communicate
with all sentient beings,
All you ‘Poets of the
hung in museums, including
All you poet’s poets writing
about poetry,
all you poetry workshop
in the boondock heart of America,
all you housebroken Ezra Pounds,
All you far-out
freaked-out cut-up poets,
All you pre-stressed
Concrete poets,
All you cunnilingual
All you pay-toilet poets
groaning with graffiti,
All you A-train swingers
who never swing on birches,
All you masters of the
sawmill haiku
in the Siberias of
All you eyeless
All you self-occulting
All you bedroom
and closet agitpropagators,
All you Grouch Marxist
and leisure-class Comrades
who lie around all day
and talk about the workingclass
All you Catholic
anarchists of poetry,
All you Black Mountaineers
of poetry,
All you Boston Brahmins
and Bolinas bucolics,
All you den mothers of poetry
All you zen brothers of
All you suicide lovers of
All you hairy professors
of poesie,
All you poetry reviewers
drinking the blood of the
All you Poetry Police—
Where are Whitman’s wild
where the great voices
speaking out
with a sense of sweetness
and sublimity,
where the great new
the great world-view,
the high prophetic song
of the immense earth
and all that sings in it
And our relation to it—
Poets, descend
to the street of the world
once more
And open your minds &
with old visual delight,
Clear your throat and
speak up,
Poetry is dead, long live
with terrible eyes and
buffalo strength.
Don’t wait for the Revolution
or it’ll happen without
Stop mumbling and speak out
with a new wide-open
with a new commonsensual ‘public
with other subjective
or other subversive
a tuning fork in the inner
to strike below the
Of your own sweet Self
still sing
yet utter ‘the word
Poetry the common carrier
for the transportation of
the public
to higher places
than other wheels can
carry it.
Poetry still falls from
the skies
Into our streets still
They haven’t put up the
barricades, yet,
the streets are still
alive with faces,
lovely men & women
still walking there,
still lovely creatures
in the eyes of the secret
of all
still buried there,
Whitman’s wild children still
sleeping there,
Awake and walk in the open
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, (1975)
Thursday, January 19, 2017
St. Paul's
Chapel, in the shadow of what used to be the world trade center, survived and
provided succor to the victims and responders of the 9-11 disaster. It survived
and provided succor to the victims and responders of the 1776 burning of New
York City.
Their current
pastor called that "a horrible opportunity."
As Americans,
we now have a horrible opportunity to show the world, by our actions, what the
majority of Americans are and are not. In the midst of chaos and confusion,
remember the words of Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived torture and
medical experimentation in the Nazi extermination camps. And then produced some
of the most spiritually oriented, positive psychological philosophy the world
has ever seen.
No one can make
you think or do anything. You always have the choice to think or do what you
choose to do, regardless of the consequences. Do not focus on the things that
concern you over which you have no control. Focus on those things over which
you do have control.
Then choose to
do what you would want others to do to you. And do it.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Lucky Friday The Thirteenth
This Friday the thirteenth may be your lucky day.
The Goodreads Support Indie Authors group will be putting on a special
featuring 125 books by indie authors.
Many of these featured books have won prizes.
Many are either free or discounted.
Here's the link:
And yes, my award winning novel, Dancing With The Dead is featured and discounted.
For the next seven days you can obtain an e-version for the grand total of 99 cents.
The Goodreads Support Indie Authors group will be putting on a special
featuring 125 books by indie authors.
Many of these featured books have won prizes.
Many are either free or discounted.
Here's the link:
And yes, my award winning novel, Dancing With The Dead is featured and discounted.
For the next seven days you can obtain an e-version for the grand total of 99 cents.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
They Been On The Job Too Long
first thing Congress did in 2017, the first thing on their agenda, priority
numero uno, was to revoke the independent ethics committee’s ability to
operate. The independent ethics
committee investigates unethical acts of congressmen and women, and has the
ability to report their findings directly to the public.
been on the job too long.
an old folk song, called “Duncan and Brady”, that was sung back in the sixties
by Judy Henske. It’s about a cop who thought he was King of his beat and could
do anything he wanted. It goes something like this:
“Duncan, Duncan, was
a-tendin’ the bar,
Along comes Brady with his
shiny star,
Brady says to Duncan, ‘you
are under arrest.’
Duncan shot a hole in
Mister Brady’s breast.
Well, he been on the job
too long,
I say he been on the job
too long.
Women all heard King Brady
was dead,
They go home and they
re-wrap in red,
Come a slippin’, come a
Come a shufflin’ down the street,
In their big mother
hubbards and their stockin’ feet.
Well, he been on the job
too long.
I say, he been on the job
too long.”
this is the age of social media. And the Congressional phone lines went into
overload from the protest raised. In this day of cell phones, we may forget
that land lines are still very much in use—and in Washington D.C. in the
Congress, that’s where most of the business gets done.
they “walked it back.” Dropped it like the proverbial hot potato.
been on the job too long.
yeah, King Congress been on the job too long.
today, I’m wearing red.
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