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  1. I was pleased to have your review in GR of my first book, Outland Exile. The sequel, Exiles' Escape, has been released and I would love it if you would consider reviewing it as well. I can send you a zipped copy of epub, mobi and pdf.

  2. Hi Charles,

    We're friends on Goodreads, and I thought you might be interested in a giveaway to win an Advance Review Copy of my latest suspense thriller, THE PROPHET OF QUEENS. PROPHET took years to research and write, the most challenging topic I've ever tackled.

    For details about the story, and to enter the free drawing, please follow this link:

    Good luck, and thanks for your support.



  3. Hello, I was referred to you by my mother,she met you at the Patterson Library years ago. She suggested that I reach out to you as I have been having experiences that I can't explain and that I can't necessarily speak about with others. I would love to be able to speak further with you about it
    I hope to hear from you soon
